Skin & Face

belly dance blog


Do you want to know one of my secret beauty products?

My current love for skin care products is definitely Kiehl. ❤️Their product line is just amazing!

Body Moisturizer Creme de Corps - basically my long term love and original discovery of this brand. Over the last five years I've tried to switch back to 'regular' non-pricy body products, but kept coming back to this one. The difference in quality is just amazing, and results are worth every cent of it's price. Careful, cos it’s very addictive.

Also, love their face care products, and especially face masks: ✔️Rare earth deep pore cleansing - my go-to product after a busy weekend of gigs to make sure that my pores are fully purified from heavy performance makeup, ✔️Turmeric & cranbery seed energizing masque - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how soft and smooth my skin is after it! This was the best surprise among all samples I ever received, and I already bought several full pack!

Have you tried their products? What are your favorite ones?

Author: Iana Komarnytska
Photographer: Pedro Bonatto

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